Web Hosting
Web hosting is effectively the process of renting out space on the internet for your website, much like renting vacant land where you can build a house or business. When a website is created it needs somewhere to sit once it is finished and launched live onto the internet. This space is what you rent with web hosting. The size of your web hosting is dependent upon how big your finished website is going to be.
The process of displaying a website on the internet doesn’t just happen there is a strategic set of steps that need to be ticked off. This includes purchasing a domain name.
What is a Domain Name
A domain name is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet. Domain names are formed by the rules and procedures of the Domain Name System (DNS). Any name registered in the DNS is a domain name. Domain names can also be thought of as a location where certain information or activities can be found.
In order to display your website on the internet you need to have an IP address. This is where your host comes in. They own many IP addresses and one of these will be rented out to you allowing your newly developed website somewhere to live and where people from across the globe can read and access your information. There are many web hosts out there and it can be very confusing to eliminate the confusion and to enable TBA Media to offer a more comprehensive service, we have a wide range of hosting packages on offer to make sure you can find the one that fits you best. We have also made custom packages in the past to suit special needs and requirements so please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have in relation to our hosting services.
The quality of your web host will affect the speed with which customers can view your website online. We take every effort to offer the highest quality web hosts maximising internet connections and the speed of delivery allowing fast transfers of information. We have found over the years that by offering our own web hosting we have more control over the final quality of our customers websites allowing us to provide a much higher calibre of end results.