Monthly Campaigns
The most successful social media campaigns need to be maintained and actioned with regularity in order to produce results. Regularity is the key, folks. In addition to your main website page there are numerous ways in which you can generate and drive traffic to your business. We have highlighted the individual and combined benefits of utilising more than one method of advertising or marketing on the internet. Simply put, the more effort put into a website campaign the greater the results which lead to dollars, the reason we all work. The stronger you make your links and the larger the digital footprint your business has on the website the easier it is found by customers and recognised by Google and will be classified accordingly.
Social media is another of the many platforms which can be co-linked to your website in order to help customers find you. Throughout our campaigns our focus is the same as yours and that is to make it easy for customers to find your business. We will build links that lead to and from your website to social media outlets expanding your digital presence. Our business is quite simply your business; for without you, our client, we would not exist. This is why TBA Media is constantly evolving and using new and innovative ways to ensure we give our clients the edge.
As part of a social media campaign we would provide you with monthly blogs on all the major social media sites, including Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter and Instagram to name a few. Without this regular input your sites will cease to function as well as they should leading to loss of business. To maintain your rankings you need constant actively and as with most business owners you may not have the time to dedicate to this vital element of your growing business. This is why TBA Media can for a nominal fee take care of all your social media activity. We can advertise upcoming events, product launches, specials days, achievements, mile stones you name it. Whatever is happening in your business we can let the world know about it with consistency.
Call us today at TBA Media and obtain a costing on how we can help to further increase your standings.