Lets Talk About Animated Logos
Why is this post on www.tbamedia.com.au – a website design and SEO company website?
When we created our latest website, we wanted to look at services, extras, and processes that can really have a high impact on the overall look of a website. In deciding to create a new animated logo for our own company, we tested a few developers. We would like to demo these and many more animated logos to you, because we simply love all of what we created for ourselves. So, like all of our services that have grown and been developed organically and through demand, we decided to add animated logos to our growing list of holistic website services. The above featured video proved to by the most popular when sent to social media for surveys!
Let’s talk about animated logos.
Animated logos are a ‘web luxury’ that not many even consider. Most think it is reserved for big companies, media companies, and maybe movie product companies, when we think of the roaring lion, the man fishing from the moon in the clouds, we appreciate that the branding opportunities that the company has is only at the beginning of the movie. This is their chance to push the brand within just a few seconds, and ensuring it is a memorable experience to give the viewer real impact on the brand.
You may not see yourself as a ‘big company’ or ‘world-wide service’ and that’s ok, however we can still present our businesses in a way that will ensure the brand, no matter how big or small, will be memorable and stay valid with the viewer for a long time after the initial view.
Using animated logos for Youtube, Vimeo and other popular video submission sites.
Animated logos can bring a sense of professionalism and conformity to your online video submissions. It doesn’t matter what you are trying to present or sell, your message will be received better with a professional animated logo. When a video viewer sees a strong video brand as an intro to the video, the viewer is better set to accept or acknowledge what is now being sold or presented in your videos.
If you are a budding or established internet marketer, and have been presenting videos online for some time, or even if you are about to start your first video presentation, utilising the skills of a professional animated logo developer will enhance your videos immensely.